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The Future of AI in Work, Innovation, and Collaboration with Sako Arts

Written by World Summit AI | Sep 11, 2024 12:34:16 PM

We sat down with Sako Arts, CTO and Co-Founder at Fruitpunch AI, to talk about how he sees AI as a tool for climate action.

What's the future of AI?

While I'm not a strong believer that full-blown AGI is on the horizon we will see a continuation of AI taking over many white-collar jobs. Many, especially content-heavy, jobs will change significantly in that they will mostly be focused on using AI instead of creating the content manually, this will trigger a reduction in the required human capital overall. However, I expect other new jobs to appear, as we already see with prompt engineers and data labelers.

What's the coolest application of AI you've seen so far?

The identification of bears on edge hardware of course!
AI adoption in business: Name three benefits, and three potential risks
* Less need for specialists outside of the company core (content writers, legal, sales)
* AI assistants that can check on the human workers resulting in higher quality work and less errors
* New advanced AI capabilities that allow for automating tasks that were not possible before
* A lot more content to read, since creating content becomes easy, more will be created and therefore more will be checked
* AI's effectively communicating with AI's that create inefficient fluff around their work, think email written by AI and then summarized by AI on the other end.
* The additional power usage caused by increased use of these compute-heavy models

What excites you the most about an AI-empowered world?

More efficient workforce and less boring labour-intensive work.
What do you envision for the future of human-machine collaboration?
For the foreseeable future, in most cases, AI will check humans or the other way around. Complete AI automation will take a bit longer for most applications like software development, medicine, and legal.
Who do you admire most in the world of AI in terms of their work?
I think Hugging Face is doing a great job of making AI more available, usable, and open source. Thomas Wolf specifically does great work from their end.
If you could solve any global problem in the world with AI, what would it be and why?
With these models requireing more power I think the energy transition is the most pressing to solve. While AI might be able to aid in this transition it mostly depends on physical infrastructure an AI robotics in not yet so far that it will significantly contribute on that end.
What inspired you to participate in this AI summit as a speaker, and what message do you hope to convey to the audience?
The only efficient way of learning is doing, so get off your feed and apply the skills until you master them. For example in one of FruitPunch's AI for Good Challenges ;)
Sako Arts
CTO and Co-Founder
Fruitpunch AI