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Digital Transformation Review: Artificial Intelligence Decoded

Posted by Capgemini on Sep 5, 2019 9:08:27 AM

AI can transform or replace existing business processes or create new ones, driving down costs and delivering greater speed, agility and quality. There are numerous new use cases and data-driven revenue streams, creating new sources of competitive advantages for bold organizations. Whether you see yourself as a proactive adopter or a watchful bystander when it comes to AI, use this Digital Transformation Review as a reference. Curated by Capgemini’s Digital Transformation Institute.


To cut through the fog, this edition of the Digital Transformation Review presents a more nuanced perspective on AI. To understand and explain how AI could benefit industry and society, Capgemini's Digital Transformation Institute conducted wide-ranging research. They spoke to leaders and experts from a broad spectrum: traditional corporates, tech startups, academics, venture capitalists, futurists, and technology vendors. They also launched extensive global research surveys to examine AI and a current hot topic in the industry – voice assistants.

"I am not worried about future generations, but more about us – the generation that is undergoing the shift. This will be traumatic, but more because of the pace rather than the nature of the phenomenon. Society needs to help those who will feel the brunt of the drastic changes.” Professor Luciano Floridi, Oxford Internet Institute, University of Oxford


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Join Capgemini and the entire AI community at this year's World Summit AI in Zaandam. View the full programme, speaker line up and book tickets by visiting worldummit.ai

World Summit AI 2019
October 9th-10th
Amsterdam, Netherlands


Topics: AI, Digital Transformation

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