Revolutionizing Accessibility: How AI is transforming the lives of those with hearing disabilities

Posted by World Summit AI on Apr 18, 2023 6:42:34 PM

Naeem Komeilipoor, Founder and CTO of AAVAA, is a leading figure in the world of AI who believes in utilizing AI to improve the lives of people with disabilities and hearing difficulties. In this Q&A, Naeem shares his thoughts on the most important things for businesses and humanity in relation to AI, as well as how he believes AI will make its biggest impact in the next 5/10/20 years. He also provides valuable advice for executives on how to best employ AI across their business and shares his personal goals for the upcoming World Summit AI Americas Series.

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Topics: AI, Accessible Health

Kevin Pereau talks AI for Healthcare, Personal Data & Responsibility

Posted by World Summit AI on Apr 12, 2023 3:31:52 PM

Kevin Pereau, founder and principal of TranscendIT Health, is using AI to improve healthcare outcomes and create a framework for making personal health data actionable. While acknowledging the potential of AI, Pereau emphasizes the importance of considering its impact on society and addressing real-world problems. He shares his thoughts on the most important issues related to AI in business and society, and his personal goals for the upcoming WSAI Series.

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Topics: AI, Accessible Health