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A Closer Look at Artificial Intelligence in Education

Posted by World Summit AI on Oct 8, 2018 8:18:52 PM
World Summit AI
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Have you ever wondered what's happening with the education industry regarding artificial intelligence? 
Well, EDIA, a fast-growing education technology company based in Amsterdam, has recently published a 2018 edition, "State of Artificial Intelligence in Education" report. 
In the report, EDIA sheds light on the state of artificial intelligence (AI) in education. Artificial intelligence has already impacted different education sectors such as publishing, higher education, K-12 and education technology. The report shows how informed the education market is about AI, how much money is currently invested in AI and if education leaders think that there are benefits to implementing AI within their industry. Further, the report highlights the different set of challenges pertaining to why companies are not adopting AI right now or in the near future. The report also reveals different trends about AI that directly impact the education industry such as new global data privacy laws, blockchain and the decentralization changes in higher education. Lastly, the report will reveal what the next phase of AI will be in regards to education.

This report is packed with knowledge including:
  • Market research derived from educational publishers, universities and e-learning providers
  • Insights from over 80 industry experts
  • Infographics, statistics, and more

Check it out/Get your free copy of the report here > https://info.edia.nl/download-state-ai-education-report"

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