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Get behind the biggest AI ideas that are coming to fruition

Posted by World Summit AI on Feb 6, 2023 11:51:37 AM
World Summit AI

Get behind the biggest AI ideas that are coming to fruition at World Summit AI Americas (19th – 20th April 2023, Palais des congrès, Montréal). 

 >> Computational Collective Surgical Consciousness

Ozanan Meireles will chair and headline on the NEW Intelligent Health stage in partnership with SAIIL for the first time ever and share fascinating insights. Ozanan is a Surgeon at Massachusetts General Hospital; Director MGH Surgical Artificial Intelligence and Innovation Laboratory (SAIIL); Assistant Professor of Surgery, Harvard Medical School and will dive into Computational Collective Surgical Consciousness.

The Intelligent Health Track at World Summit AI Americas is dedicated to AI in Medicine. With a line-up of some of the top global names in health tech, Intelligent Health will focus on translating technological innovations and scientific insights into partnerships and programs that improve patient outcomes and streamline healthcare to alleviate increasing pressure on facilities and resources.

 >> Harnessing the power of AI to improve the conservation and sustainable use of biodiversity and ecosystem services in a rapidly changing and resource-limited world.

Constanza Gomez Mont, Founder, C Minds and AI for Climate; 2021-2022 Chair, AI for Humanity Global Future Council, World Economic Forum will share her expert knowledge about Harnessing the power of AI to improve the conservation and sustainable use of biodiversity and ecosystem services in a rapidly changing and resource-limited world.




>> The Business Case for Responsible AI 

Jesslyn Dymond, Director of Data Ethics, TELUS will join the panel discussion debating The Business Case for Responsible AI alongside Marcelo Cabrol, Chief of Scalability, Knowledge and Impact, Inter-American Development Bank.

>> How AT&T’s Robotic Process Automation makes it easy to build, deploy and manage software bots to automate a wide range of manual, repetitive and high-volume tasks.

Dhruval Shah, Director of Intelligent Automation, Chief Data Office, AT&T divulges How AT&T’s Robotic Process Automation makes it easy to build, deploy and manage software bots to automate a wide range of manual, repetitive and high-volume tasks.


Meet Ozanan, Constanza, Jesslyn and Dhruval at World Summit AI Americas this April. Now in its fifth year, World Summit AI Americas will once again bring together global AI leaders from enterprise, big tech, startups, academia, law, government and investment to hear the world’s brightest AI brains deliver innovative, cutting-edge, topical content, tackle the most burning AI issues and set the global AI agenda. 

Got a radical idea you want to share? Contact us and let’s start the conversation online. An inspired mind is a terrible thing to waste after all…

Team World Summit AI


Global AI events calendar 2023

World Summit AI Americas
19-20 April 2023
Montréal, Canada
World Summit AI 
11-12 October 2023
Amsterdam, Netherlands
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