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An Interview with Elizabeth M. Adams, Affiliate Fellow at the Standard Institute for Human-Centered Artificial Intelligence (HAI)

Posted by World Summit AI on Feb 24, 2022 6:48:24 PM
World Summit AI
We spoke to Elizabeth M. Adams, Affiliate Fellow at the Standard Institute for Human-Centered Artificial Intelligence (HAI), who will be joining us for a Panel Discussion at World Summit AI Americas taking place on 4th and 5th May 2022 at the Palais des congrès de Montréal, Canada.

Elizabeth Mary AdamsIf you could solve any global problem in the world with AI, what would it be?

To make sure everyone in the world has food and plenty of it. 

Presuming that was solved, what would your second choice be?

To ensure everything we use is fed back to the earth as a nutrient so that we can grow healthy food options.

What do you see as the 3 most important things for businesses in relation to AI at the moment?

1. Having a universal framework/definition for inclusive responsible innovation.
2. Assisting the human side of leaders as they continue to deliver AI-enabled products and services while managing teams and efforts through unimaginable times.
3. We need to really grasp the economic impacts of AI on the future of work.
What do you see as the 3 most important things for humanity in relation to AI at the moment?
1. Empathy
2. Data Privacy
3. Digital Inclusion
How do you think AI will make its biggest mark in business/on humanity/the world in the next 5 years? 10 years? 20 years?
5 years - Data Owners and AI patent holders (in the absence of regulation) will determine the future of work.
10 years -  At least 80% of the population will have digital skills as a result of living/working in the age of AI.
20 years - Primary and Secondary classes will exist if we don't address inequities now.
What’s the “coolest”/ most “wow-factor" thing you’ve seen so far in with the use of AI in the sector you work in?
Using AI to bring a sense of connection to those most often forgotten in society, our ageing population.
What’s your biggest fear in relation to the application of AI?
With out a human in the loop (HITL), AI will determine the need for ethics due to our reliance on algorithmic decision-making.
How do you think AI will cause human contact to change in the future?
 We will see less of it.
Why did you choose to present at the WSAI Series this year?
 To ensure and offer a diverse perspective.
What are your personal goals from the event?
 To connect with researchers concerned with inclusive Leadership of Responsible AI.
What are you most excited about taking part in the WSAI Series?
Connecting in person with a host of experts from around the world.
Elizabeth Mary Adams
LinkedIn profile URL
Join Elizabeth and the global AI community at World Summit AI Americas 2022. Find out more and book your ticket at https://americas.worldsummit.ai/

The World Summit AI team


Here is your global calendar for 2022 where you can meet your fellow World Summit AI community members:

World Summit AI Americas | 04-05 May 2022 | Montreal, Canada

World Summit AI | 12-13 October 2022 | Amsterdam, Netherlands

Topics: AI ethics, Interview, Responsible AI, AIbrains

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