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Susana Zoghbi

Susana Zoghbi
Susana Zoghbi, Co-Founder & CEO, Macty Susana is a researcher and entrepreneur in a quest to help businesses grow with Artificial Intelligence. She received a PhD in Computer Science and her research focused on cross-modal processing of textual and visual Information. She designed deep neural network architectures and probabilistic graphical models to understand visual and textual content from e-commerce and social media. Her work has been published in top conferences and journals in Artificial Intelligence. She has worked for NASA as a Deep Learning Researcher to automatically search for long-period comets that might impact Earth. She has also worked for Microsoft Research in Cambridge, where she focused on machine learning for optimizing environments for large scale software development. Before her PhD, she obtained two Masters degrees, one in Mechanical Engineering from the University of British Columbia, where her research focused on human-robot interaction technologies, and one in Mathematical Physics, where she focused on gravitational fluctuations in Domain Wall Spacetimes. In 2014, she was granted a Google Anita Borg award for her contributions in Computer Science and her community.

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A Close Look at How AI Is Transforming the In-Store Experience

Posted by Susana Zoghbi on Aug 21, 2019 4:57:13 PM

In just a few years, it will be practically impossible to find a single industry left unaffected by the meteoric rise of Artificial Intelligence.

This disruptive blend of computer science, statistical models, and reasoning with big data is propelling the Fourth Industrial Revolution forward and changing core industries like agriculture, energy and healthcare while also hinting at solutions to a range of modern challenges.

But how is the world of retail using AI to transform the in-store environment to offer superior experiences and achieve higher revenues?

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Topics: AI, AI Platforms, Business, Retail, Startups

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