Episode I of Inspired AI is now free to attend, here's why...

Posted by Keran Boyd on Sep 15, 2020 8:45:33 AM

Sometimes as a brand, you have to put your money where your mouth is and even though at times this can be tough, in this year, in these times standing by your values is more important than ever. 

The team here at World Summit AI and Inspired AI are very fortunate to have clear mission with strong brand values and led by our fearless founder and CEO, Sarah Porter who reminds us every day of our mission: to democratise access to AI and technology, and to create more inclusive tech industries where all voices are heard.

In the last few weeks, we have been aware of media published which mandates discussions around the development of AI ethics to be inclusive of all those who have a stake and not just those that can pay for a seat at the table. 

Because we believe so strongly in what we are doing and because we believe that sometimes sticking to your values requires changing tactics, we've made the decision (led by Sarah) to open access to our first episode of the Inspired AI series. 

The theme of this episode is 'Delivering AI Ethically and Equitably'

We want everyone to have a seat at the table, to be able to give the opinion in the development of this industry which has the potential to transform our lives. 

To claim your pass for episode I, use the booking link here. And to view the agenda for this episode and the entire series, head here.

And here's a statement by Sarah Porter on why we've made the decision to open access.👇

❤️ Team WSAI


Topics: AI, AI ethics

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