Speaker Spotlight: Mason Victors, CPO and CTO at Recursion Pharmaceuticals

Posted by World Summit AI on Feb 28, 2019 4:39:34 PM
World Summit AI

We've interviewed Mason VictorsCPO and CTO at Recursion Pharmaceuticals for you and asked his opinion on the most important things for businesses and humanity in relation to AI at the moment, what will be the next big areas of AI in the next 3 years and his biggest fear in relation to AI


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Mason Victors - Recursion Pharmaceuticals


Mason VictorsCPO and CTO at Recursion Pharmaceuticals

Mason Victors earned his MS in Mathematics from BYU, where he focused on developing new approaches to identifying individuals at-risk for chronic kidney disease. After an internship with the NSA, being unable to decide between becoming a spook or pursuing a PhD he chose the obvious route: join a start-up instead. As part of a small team of data scientists at Red Brain Labs and later Savvysherpa, he developed algorithms to mine unstructured medical records, analyse human behaviour through cell phone logs, and simulate complex call centres. Apart from work, he loves spending time with his wife and two daughters.

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Mason will speak at World Summit AI AmericasApril 10-11, St-James Theatre, Montreal, Canada



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