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Robust and secure artificial intelligence: A primer for the C-suite

Posted by PwC on Sep 2, 2019 9:45:00 AM

So you’ve invested in artificial intelligence (AI). The first questions your board may ask will likely be related to what it can do, how will it improve business processes, save money or provide greater experiences for customers. However to be responsible there are two questions that should be asked first...

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Topics: AI, Strategy, Leadership

Three governance considerations to unlock the potential of AI

Posted by PwC on Aug 30, 2019 10:00:00 AM

While regulators and legal experts are getting into the bigger accountability questions around artificial intelligence, such as who is liable if an autonomous vehicle crashes, formal governance to guide decision-making is largely lacking for everyday business application. The urgency around this is increasing: AI is being widely used across functions ranging from marketing to customer service, and ambitions for it are soaring as organisations witness its potential.

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Topics: AI, Global Governance, Strategy, Cyber Security

Five practical steps to make Artificial Intelligence interpretable

Posted by PwC on Aug 28, 2019 2:54:02 PM

If AI is to gain people’s trust, organisations should ensure they are able to account for the decisions that AI makes, and explain them to the people affected. Making AI interpretable can foster trust, enable control and make the results produced by machine learning more actionable. How can AI-based decisions therefore be explained?

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Topics: AI, Data, Machine Learning, Responsible AI

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